Title: Zeke’s
Series: Fantasies
A-Z Series Book 2
Author: Jennifer Kacey
Genre: Erotic Romance
Pages: 47
Publisher: Never
Settle Publishing, LLC
sex in a pitstop bathroom. One of Zeke’s dirtiest fantasies. Being himself could cost him everything or
win him the submission of the one woman who truly matters. His wife.
Zeke has found himself standing
in the position to fulfill his every wicked, kinky fantasy. The person giving him the keys to his
freedom? His wife, Aslan. The one person he promised to protect, honor and
cherish. Protect. Even from himself.
Especially from himself and the cravings running through his veins.
But she said she wanted him to
drop his self-imposed chain and let his monster out of its cage. But what if
his wants are too much? Too sick? Too
dirty? What if he pushes her away? What if he scares her?
What if he doesn’t?
Can she truly handle his needs
and desires? Or will his demands change
their lives forever, morphing an amazing love into something horrible that he
will hate himself for?
He’s standing at the precipice of
everything he’s ever dreamed, but thought was out of reach. To take the next step is up to him. Play it safe or finally be real with the only
woman who has ever truly mattered?
Their answer is only a pitstop
I loved this story and how a married couple is freshening up their sex life for the better.
I highly recommend this book but
make sure you have a tall cold glass of something because the flames from this
story are scorching.
Thank you so much! What an awesome review!!!