Title: Wanton Words
Author: Layla Chase
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Pages: 63
Publisher: Wild
Rose Press
corporate retreat provides laid-back Tadeo Xalvador with the opportunity he’s
been waiting for—close quarters with co-worker Kit Emelin. She’s brushed him off in the past, but he’s
banking on her brusque manner having less to do with the professional
competition between divisions…and everything to do with avoiding the attraction
sizzling between them.
Her type A personality drives Kit
to view the forest retreat as another place to display her leadership skills.
Nowhere in her plans does she allow for a board game of wanton words with the sexy
wonder boy of sales. She clings to her
rule against dating a colleague. But
when coyotes drive them into an empty cabin, adrenaline and lust lead to
unquenchable passion she can’t deny.
say Tadeo and Kit have chemistry is an understatement. They can’t be in the
same room without having heated stares and both getting turned on by the other.
Kit fights it until the board games portion of the retreat starts to find Tadeo
is playing scrabble with her and using very descriptive and sexy words that
make Kit all hot and bothered.
They wind up in the same cabin on
the way back to their own cabins due to wolves. Tadeo is grateful for the
wolves appearing to help his seduction along. They steam up the sheets and Kit
wonders what tomorrow is going to bring.
Tadeo knows that this is more
than a romp in the sack. He decides to convince the stubborn Kit he wants to be
with her.
I enjoyed this story. It shows
that body movements can mean different things. Kit felt Tadeo was ignoring her
and acting like a hot shot salesman, when all along he was trying to hold
himself back from attacking her like prey. His restraint was the hardest
thing he had to do. He wants Kit and makes it his mission to get her.
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