Synopsis: Eight years ago, a naive Katie Crane ran from Ry and Jed, warned their brand of love would ruin her life. Now she's all grown up and returning home with a better understanding of the BDSM lifestyle. After the betrayal she's faced at her father's hands, she worries she won't be strong enough to submit to the men she gave her heart and virginity to at eighteen.
Jed Malloy and Ry McKade are surprised and thrilled by Katie's return to Felton's Creek. They'd been heartbroken after her departure and had turned to each other, embracing the BDSM lifestyle without her. Katie's homecoming sparks hope and worry. Ry isn’t sure he can keep his dominant side under control, and Jed fears Katie will see him as less of a man by being a switch and Ry’s submissive. Having Katie back could mean the beginning of everything they've ever wanted or the end to the only family they've ever known.
Review: Bound and Teased is such an appropriate name for this book. I was bound to this book after reading the first couple of pages. Katie comes home after 8 long yrs. away to live with her grandma. I might add that the grandma is very open minded and can be very protective of her granddaughter at times. Katie hopes that she can rekindle the fire between her and the two men she left behind.
Ry and Jed has had an ongoing relationship ever since Katie left them. Both are very dominant men but Jed needs Ry’s dominance to make him happy. They love and respect each other but they know someone is missing from their lives. It is Katie. They both are very protective of their hearts. They don’t want to get hurt again if Katie should run away. They don’t know how Katie will take it with them being truly together. They learn quickly that Katie likes it. In fact it turns her on more than they ever thought it would. They have to build her trust back and during each sex scene they seem to do just that. Katie teases us all with starting and stopping the sex scenes with the men because she has issues that are triggered from her past. But true to their words the men stop and talk her through the scene. This builds the trust back with her. It also helps her move through the past and get on with her future.
The men don’t know why Katie ran 8 yrs. ago and they don’t know why she has come back. But they will get to the bottom of it. She confesses about her father and hoping that he is the man she wants him to be. She finds out he is crooked and she wants nothing to do with him. Katie’s’ father and ex-boyfriend come looking for her and try to make her go back with them. She is very strong and stands up to them both. Both men make her happy and that is what she wants.
I enjoyed this book. This story is sizzling from the beginning and scorches through until the end. I think the love the men have for each other and Katie is beautiful. They have a relationship that the town knows about but it isn’t thrown in peoples’ faces. They are a private couple and it seems to make things work for them. Both men are great role models for the kids in the town. Jed raises horses and runs a camp for kids to learn all about them. Ry is a sheriff. Katie seems to fit in to their lives effortlessly. I would recommend this book. What a great love story filled in with some smoking sex scenes. I look forward to more books from Marie Tuhart.
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